Sunday, May 11, 2008

This is One Happy Mother

Happy Mother's Day to all my friends and family!
For posterity's sake I am recording my third year as a mom:

Today I got to sleep in - literally the ONLY thing I wanted. I was awakened by the excited whooping of Finn and Eli as they presented me with an awesome Star Wars musical card. Then the shrieking as they fought over it. (These boys love them some Hallmark musical cards. We still have some from when Eli was born and his first birthday... "Push It" by Salt-N-Peppa and "Macho Man" by the Village People respectively.) It was followed by a certificate to my favorite store ever, DSW, and all is well in the world.

We got to visit Caleb's mom for lunch and mine for dinner - the boys were surprisingly well-behaved despite sporadic naps and an action-packed itinerary.

Somewhere in it all I noted how lucky we are to be able to see them both. Just the fact that both moms live close only scratches the surface; I think of a few friends who lost theirs recently. I think of my Grandmother who I miss every day, and whom I know is sorely missed by my dad and family. I think of my friends and my sisters who have shared this wild Motherhood Thing with me, and how much I have learned with them and from them.

And I vow, as I do every year, not to limit myself to one day a year to tell them all how much they mean to me.

1 comment:

McMommy said...

Ha!! I love the Star Wars musical card! Because nothing says "I love you" like Star Wars! At least in our house...

I laugh because McDaddy and Matty watched Star Wars for the umpteenth time yesterday while I got to chase Carter around. It must be a mother's day trend....

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