Christmas at Hotwheel Hacienda was wonderful! This was the first year Finn got the Santa thing and Eli had so much fun opening presents and seeing all the family. Caleb and I had to really plan ahead to fit in all the visits and still have a stress-free holiday, but we did it pretty well. We also tried to focus more on spending time with family and friends than worshipping at the feet of the needless consumerism that is so easy to get caught up in. I think this will get harder as the boys get older and get the "I wannas", but hopefully we're setting a precedent.
Needless to say, I ate waaayyyy too much junk the past week and am now trying to asess the damage wrought by mass quantities of sausage balls, green rice casserole, homemade chex mix, and many units of festive drinks! Sorry we didn't send out cards this year - I couldn't manage to get a good photo and then I just ran out of time. Think of it as one less card you have to toss now that Christmas is over!
Steph & Caleb: Taken at Grandmother & Grandaddy's house after a huge dinner...
Eli and his puppy eyes
This is what he does every time he wants someone, usually a female, to pay attention to him. The boy is a FLIRT.
Santa brought Spiderman!
Aunt Sam got this last year and it was a bit big so I stashed it in the closet for later. When I was fumbling for the wrapping paper this year, it was re-discovered and has been the HIT of Christmas morning. Seriously... she got it for like 75% off after Halloween.
To see all our holiday photos, visit our Flickr albums by clicking here.
Finally, I know Christmas is over, but I saw this over at Major Bedhead and had to post it. It made me laugh.
Love that Spiderman pict. It's like he's giving some Spidey gang sign to himself.
Or is practicing for an MTV appearance.
(Thanks for stopping by!)
What a sweet little Spidey...
Thanks for this....especially the video! No, Christmas isn't over yet...don't take Christmas away from me! It's 12 days long, so it lasts until January 6 (Epiphany).
Love your blog!
Ack, sorry...the comment above was me...signed in as the wrong account!
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