Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eye of the Tiger

Today was Finn's last basketball game of the season and I'm a little sad. Lots of family came out to watch so there were eight of us cheering from the sidelines, and it was Finn's best game ever. He was hustling, he was guarding, he was going after the ball, and he was dribbling without fear. I think he thrived on having family there.

At the beginning of the season in November, the boy couldn't even dribble and now he has a favorite team (Vanderbilt), favorite player (Jeffery Taylor lives on a poster on his wall), and he watches basketball on television with his Dad willingly.

Jeffrey Taylor Scores for Vandy
"Jeffrey Taylor scoring a three pointer for Vandy." by Finn. See the #44?

It seems like the game is just now settling into his brain and then the season had to up and end.

Soccer starts up in a few weeks and Eli is finally old enough to have a go at team sports - they're both playing. This could get really interesting.


McMommy said...

Oh my goodness...guess who else is an UPWARD basketball player??? Matthew!!! He L0-V-E-S it! And it sounds like he and Finn started out the same way...barely able to dribble! Now, wow! What a difference. What a great program! Our soccer doesn't start until August but Carter is SUPER excited to finally be old enough to play a sport. We are living parallel lives, Steph! :)

Amy said...

I need to get you some video I got when Finn and Kieran played together. Very cute. Upward was a PERFECT way to introduce the sport. Kieran loved basketball so much, he doesn't want to play anything else! Let us know the soccer schedule! Will they be on the same team?

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